Archive for the ‘Machines’ Category

Lamination frenzy!

So we had some issues here at the office, and there is now a security guard posted at the door all day  and we are all required to wear ID tags during work. Our HR manager bought a nifty little pouch laminator to laminate the ID badges and I’ve been casually visiting her office all day to laminate things here and there. First I had a seemingly legitimate request to laminate a list of new closing procedures to post near the door for the last person who leaves the office every night. But that just got me started when I realized how fun it is to laminate! I’ve now laminated my social security card, some photos of my dogs, and a post-it note that I had drawn a cool doodle on. The laminator was only $52, so I am considering getting one for home use… 


New shopping sites

So times at the office are tight right now. The “r word” has been sneaking up on our company, and everyone knows now that we need to face it. However, with the merger and all, we are still tight on supplies and equipment. 

GBC Shredmaster CC185My shopping list this month had a large red post-it note on the top that read “Save Money, We Are Serious.” So I will let you all in on a little secret, the big office chains do not save you money. You can find everything and more at better prices from smaller specialty sites. For example, first item on my list was a new shredder for my boss. Now, he has minimal shredding needs, so nothing particularly large was necessary. I decided on the GBC Shredmaster CC185. Why that one? It is cross cut, which I believe is important for private documents. It can shred paperclips, staples, etc., and it is light weight. Perfect for a desk. I found at Staples first for $169. Then I looked a little deeper online and found the same model on iShopShredders for $119. $50 savings! My boss was pleased.  

From ProClick to CombBind

So my boss wouldn’t let me get the new ProClick machine. We bought a GBC C110 CombBind Machine. It is very manual, but I love it. Everyone has been binding whatever they can get their hands on. So far I have bound, a style guide, a culture manual, and BBB report, and now a proposal. Here are the pros and cons:MachineRunner GBC Combbind c110

Light weight
Easy for small projects
No fast large projects
We will see what happens, but until I need to bind larger presentations fast, this machine will do the trick.