Archive for the ‘office projects’ Category

From ProClick to CombBind

So my boss wouldn’t let me get the new ProClick machine. We bought a GBC C110 CombBind Machine. It is very manual, but I love it. Everyone has been binding whatever they can get their hands on. So far I have bound, a style guide, a culture manual, and BBB report, and now a proposal. Here are the pros and cons:MachineRunner GBC Combbind c110

Light weight
Easy for small projects
No fast large projects
We will see what happens, but until I need to bind larger presentations fast, this machine will do the trick.   


Sorry I have written for a while. The merging of the offices has added a few extra hours of work for myself and others at the office. Everyone is still on edge, trying to figure out how everyone is going to work together. Culture in an office is so important. We had our own way of doing things, and they had theirs. The problem is how do you keep everyone happy? One of my recent tasks is to rewrite the employee manual. My bosses tell me it is not even permanent. Not sure what I am going to do. I found something yesterday that sounds good. One of my favorite blogs wrote about a binding machine that has spines that you can edit. It is about $1600, so I am wrote a request yesterday for one. We will see what happens. I just so worried about taking it to a printer, and paying a high price for something that will be changed in a month.  I called Office Depot, Kinkos, and Staples and they don’t offer this kind of spine. I think my boss will eventually get what I am trying to say. And hey, having our own binding machine would eventually pay for itself.  Here is where I found my info.